Thursday, August 24, 2023

Preparing the footpath for paving

 Matua Jason and most of the building academy students have been away this week at OPC at Tongariro National Park. 

 Manaaki and Ngapua didn't go on this trip so we concentrated most of our efforts on preparation of the pathway way between the school hall and the technology classrooms at the end of c block.  

We have numerous concrete blocks in all shapes and sizes from a concrete pad that was removed and broken up into smaller pieces. Our aim is to lay these blocks into the pathway as crazy paving. 

After looking at the thickness of some of the blocks we deemed it necessary to dig a bit more soil out of the pathway area. This is to accommodate the base material and thicker blocks.  

I can't say it was an overly enjoyable task as we had worked on it over a couple of weeks. To make matters worse, it had rained over the weekend and there  was a pool of water in the dugout area..  Manaaki and Ngapua scooped the water out, and although it was still muddy the next day we dug out more of the soil/ mud. 

The next couple of days was a bit better as most of the mud was gone and it had dried out a bit. The boys worked really hard, continuously and  without complaint, doing a not so pleasant and physical task. Yesterday afternoon we achieved our objective and the path should now be deep enough to accommodate the base materials and most of the concrete blocks. 

It was a great effort by Manaaki and Ngapua,  great workers. 

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