Thursday, August 10, 2023

Footpath in progress


Learning to lay concrete for a footpath 

We have been working on building some footpaths down by the canteen.    This part of the footpath is approximately 4 metres long.   Hoani did most of the digging for this path.   

This image shows the boxing we put in place to support the concrete and to make sure the concrete doesn't pour out everywhere.  

We placed the wire reinforcing mesh down before pouring the concrete because it helps with the structural integrity. Using the wire mesh will help the concrete stay together and it will be stronger for longer.  It also makes it less likely to crack.

Michael, Manaaki, DJ and David were in charge of mixing the concrete and getting the ratio right.  We used four shovels of building mix to one shovel of cement.  Everyone else was taking turns at moving the concrete and emptying into the boxing.  

DJ and Kadel finished the concreting by screeding which involves smoothing and leveling out the concrete.  

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